+ 6
I wonder why people asking easy questions here. If they used Google they would find the answer much faster.
5 Respostas
+ 5
To be a programmer it is important to be able to find answers by yourself and ask only when you got stuck. It is the part of the learning curve.
+ 5
Because people are mostly coming here with same lazy consummer attitude as in real life, without real respect of those people who provide help ^^
Often, they even don't expect any explanation, but just a working solution, if not just doing complete writing code task...
That's as is.
At this time, I still stay here, much more for few peoples who really want to learn, but it could be possible that I get tired of the others one day :P
+ 3
they are checking level of their questions
( based on how many ans. it)
or may be they are too lazy to type in google and then open links to read and understand ans. they just want someone else to their work.
couze here is much Easier to get your Answer
SoloLearn Q&A discussions are simply that. If someone is having a problem, we are here for them as a community, whether the question is simple or not, to answer their question. For the most part, a lot of us are passionate in programming, so one could google, but why do that when there are future programmers available in this community, in which I can ask multiple questions after my simple question, and not just a similar version of my question that may not even have the answer I'm looking for?