18 Respostas
+ 72
There are plenty of reasons :
just to mention some:
These organisations use python to among other things, integrate their software systems...
also, since they maintain extensive databases, they use mixture of ways,
python being chief among them, to manage their database systems
+ 19
one of the bigger reasons is the interpretation vs compilation. If an employee creates a program and it compiles correctly that's not a guarantee that it can't break the system it's running on or corrupt things, whether intentionally or not. Python, since it is interpreted, has some inherent safeties in that respect. Also, many of those companies have many different systems that would need to run a single program. Python allows the same script to be executed across many different varieties of OSs and architectures while compiled languages require recompilation for each architecture. The last point I would like to make is security. Many companies big and small are set up in their users' permissions to only do what they need to do. Execution of a compiler should only be done by a programmer. Not a secretary. But a secretary may have a need, or benefit from, being able to create a python script to aid in their work flow and management.
+ 14
...plus it's awesome :)
+ 14
I just stumbled upon this post again. I forgot to mention that I don't think the NSA's primary language is python because I know someone that contracts alongside them through the US Army and works with communications via satellite and other means (weren't specified). He said that the primary language, from what he sees, is raw C++. Like... there is no C++11, C++14, or C++17. It's the first version of C++ with no extensions or anything (Pretty sure that would be C++98 if I remember correctly).
+ 12
First: Python Is Used In A lot And And lot Of Topics For Example
Machine Learning
Data Science
Price Predictions
Sometimes Bitcoin Mining
Remote Adminstration Tools (RATs)
It Has A Powerful Accessibility
Powerful Server Side Language
Just For Knowledge :
Did You Know That There Was A Russian Guy Who Was Searching For A Very Rare Thing In Python And He Found It Do You Know What Happened In That Moment ? Google Challenges Registry Popped In His Face, He Completed The Challenge In Python And Got A Job At Google
+ 10
Plus It's A Huge Beast In Machine Learning And AI
And It's Very Easy To Use
+ 6
Ease of use
For quick automation scripts
Human friendly(syntax) :)
+ 4
A few good reasons why Python is an excellent language:
- you get results, fast: There are many libraries, which provide you with useful and well made tools. Think NumPy, Matplotlib, Theano, SymPy or pandas.
- your code runs fast enough for most uses: Let's face it, Python is slow. But in most cases you don't really care if your code takes 0.1s or 0.4s to run. And if you do you can just use C for the computationally intensive parts of your programme and you are fine.
- Python code is easy to read and to maintain, if you adhere to basic style guides. This is especially important, if you work on big software projects with many other people.
+ 4
your technique is more important than the tool you use to enact. consider problem solving mastery thru code the objective, not learning the code language
+ 3
its a high-level general purpose language yet dynamic and code readability can be used to control and fly simple drone ,automate electronic manufacture facilites, data collection & control...etc
+ 3
python is a minimalist language. Although there are many ways to get things done, Python people always wanna get things done in the most efficient and graceful way. Hence it's relatively easy to maintenance written codes, meaning less costly for enterprises.
+ 2
it is fast to code and very popular
+ 1
I'm into Java and python both and as far as I've learned it. Phyton is really user friendly.
easy to understand as they have simpler codes, comparatively less complexity makes it really really fun to program from day 1. If you have made some programs- in Phyton you would known that less complexity of syntax is makes it utterly easy to play with codes from day 1 itself.
+ 1
Python is useful for mathematics and science. All of those organizations need mathematicians in order to model problems with math, and then implement the models on a computer.
more reason is powerfull comparing other languages like Java and c++ . it is also interpretation and easy
- 3
since it gives u a lot of powerful tools methods like reg expression and also extensive packages. You can construct your own packages because python is open source and u are not bound to share u r custom packages. That will obviously attract govt security agencies and other organizations requiring secrecy :)
- 3
plus it is an ancient yet powerful programming language.
- 11
but C++ is better