Hello,what do i use to run htmls
Html.web design
3 Respostas
+ 6
A Text editor and a browser.
Save your file with ( . HTML) extension.
+ 3
For SoloLearn code playground,
1. Fourth button at bottom navigation.
2. Choose Web Code
3. Put your HTML scripts in HTML tag.
For computer, use browsers, such as Chrome or Firefox
A design of a program is needed that will accept 3 subject marks from a student and before calculating the average of the three subjects evaluate whether each mark is greater than or equal to zero and less or equal to one hundred. If not so an error message should be printed. If the marks meet the specified condition above then using the average it should calculate and display the grade using the following grading system.
Average Grade
BBB>=75 - Distinction
>=65 - Credit
>=40 - Pass
<40 - Fail
Design the program with a design tool of your choice. (5 marks)