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How to manipulate the basic data types in Java. You will be given four different variables of different data types:
How to manipulate the basic data types in Java. You will be given four different variables of different data types: a (int), b (float), c (double). (long), d (byte). Your task is to do step wise operations as given below: 1. Divide c by b. 2 Divide b by a 3. Divide c by a 4 Add resultat step 3 with L 5 Divide a byd Input format Single line of input a, b, c l and d (with space separated) Output format print the required output as directed separated Code constraints 1 <= a, b, c <= 106 1 <= d <= 127 1 <= |<= 1018
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But sorry, you are not allowed to give us task to perform here...I suggest you to build your best performace on this in that,if you face any errors in the convertion, attach that code here then we will definitely help you out from those :))