How to learn Java to create apps?
Help me I'm INTRESTED in java, to learn
5 Respostas
+ 3
First you should learn Java basics in sololearn.
+ 1
Start by learning the basics here on SL just like 🤴🌹Cute Princess 🌹💐 said. If you then want to continue learning check out resources such as Code Academy, Coursera, and Khan Acadmey as well as textbooks or classes in your school/community. The best way to learn is to start programming. Download an IDE such as NetBeabs (I prefer Eclipse tho) and start writing some code!
m checking out but still no idea. What is the best way, to get the idea
You are aiming at android app dev there are bunch of cources out there for that, but yes first see basic java and try to u derstand the normal flow of codes, all the best
Thank u all for u suggest. I will try my best.