If i login the solo learn account with help of facebook id after that how i can add email in my solo learn account..
i already add my email in my solo learn account but not recieved the confirmation email.. tell me how can do it..
5 Respostas
From settings, Edit mail with a change and save. Again edit to original mail id to get mail again from SoloLearn..
Before or after, check your spam folder also in your mail...
no recieved bro..
i can many times try..
How you tried? Can you explain?
yes first i change my email in my profile than check the confimation message in the mail but not receive any mail from solo learn..
Ankit Kumar
Can you say how you made changes exactly?
Is your mail id properly entered without spell mistake..
I just tried what I say, and I got mail again..
Or just mail to info@sololearn.com