How to create a website
I will learn html, css,
4 Respostas
+ 4
Bro, This Question is very popular, Just Go on Google & Search it : "How to create a Website".
If you want free then you can use Blogger.com & if you want to pay money and wanted Multi-Purpose Hi-fi Website you can use WordPress...
If you want to learn then Learn Firstly HTML then CSS then JavaScript and if wanted to learn more then Go for jQuery also.
Hope you have gotten the correct answer. 🙏🙏🙏
+ 3
Html, css, js
+ 1
Thanks bro
+ 1
To create a website is very easy.Go to my pen: https://codepen.io/sololearn5star/pen/bGEPPPP to see.
1. build a base
2.add the element
3.add content
4.add style and scripts.
5.Go learn Jquery
or you go https://www.wix.com/ for without code.I am waiting for your marvellous website!!!!!!!!!!
Bravo,your webpage had finished
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