+ 2
SoloLearn should add also chatting option.If you agree.. Write few words...!!
3 Respostas
+ 4
being a community of beginners, benefits come from plurality of opinion and information.
For example: if my reply to a post is wrong, the more people can access the post in an extended period of time, the more chances I and the poster have, to be allerted about my mistake (happened already and I'm thankful for what I learned in the process).
A chat system tends to limit this plurality limiting the availability of shared info, for a limited time.
So, in a chat system my mistake would more likely go unnoticed, harming myself and the poster.
The problem of the Q&A section is that it is misused most of the time resulting in double posting that ends up fragmenting and degrading the information shared:
for example there are daily questions about pre/post-increment operators because the average user is encouraged to post, instead of searching a post related to the matter( that most probably has all the possible info and ways to explain it).
Whoever made an extensive/elaborate answer the first time will not go through the hassle of doing it twice.
Whpever wil search for per/post-increment will be faced with 100's of posts instead of a single one where the best answer isfound easily because got most upvotes.
For cooperation in the code playground the comments section could be improved and there should be the possibility to fork projects.
I think a chat would do same harm also there.
In conclusion it's a Learning Platform, it can be improved but too much focus on Social Entertainmend could digress the user from the purpose of Learning.
Does Stack Overflow have a chat system?
Does github have a chat system?
+ 1
I totally agree
+ 1
Nice one @seamiki
You do have a point.