What Js Engine Do Sl's code playground uses ?
As Chrome uses v8 Firefox uses SpiderMonkey So, what do sl use to Compile Our Js Code . Also , how does things like CodeSandbox , Codepen work? Is Sl's code playground uses the same technology as they uses ? 🤔
5 Respostas
+ 5
It uses whatever you use to access it. Could be chrome, firefox or webview/safari for android and ios app respectively.
+ 4
Without personally verifying or looking closer, I assume the Node codes are V8 and run remotely.
+ 3
I just remembered from david's answer sololearn also has node. My answer was referring to web codes which run locally on your device similar to a web browser not on a remote web server.
+ 2
Yes Aaditay
Lord Krishna i use Sololearn's android native app , So does it uses webview ?