+ 7

Am having a challenge of understanding this color style format (color: #ff0505)

CSS Colors

17th Sep 2020, 6:48 AM
Dzikamayi Mhete
Dzikamayi Mhete - avatar
2 Respostas
+ 7
Dzikamayi Mhete It is called as hexadecimal color values First two colors indicate red,next two green and last two shows Blue -RRGGBB in this format Dont worry about it that you have to remember this values for each color, just google hexadecimal color picker ,choose the color you want and you will get its hexadecimal value, Its just used to specify different types of color cause by giving name you cant give colors of your exact choice or whatever you want
17th Sep 2020, 6:55 AM
‎Ashwin Maurya
‎Ashwin Maurya - avatar