+ 2
How to design a good web page?
I've tried many times but my layouts aren't good. please help me an suggest some good sites to learn about them.
6 Respostas
+ 4
With the web standards. I would suggest you to start in https://www.w3.org/wiki/Open_Web_Platform. At first, check the wiki contents to know what you can expext, then follow the course (very good course), and finally learn elements and attributes from their index. Trust me, the best way to learn HTML, then CSS, JavaScript and much more
+ 2
Have you tried it by adding animations...
you should even make your own animations.... and use it in your website 😀
+ 2
thankyou so much I'll definitely try
+ 2
For doing special, you have to work hard..
Think yourself how you can make your own patterns, animations, layouts etc...
you have to work very hard
best of luck
+ 1
I tried but I'm not getting better results
go and find good designed sites and press F12 in Windows.
then try to understand how it is made.