+ 1

How do I insert an image in a html file?

9th Mar 2017, 4:36 AM
2 Respostas
+ 1
Use <img>. After it write the source of image and the text you want to display if the image will not be displayed and then the size of image. <img src="source" alt="alt text" style="width:W;height:H;"> OR <img src="source" alt="alt text" width="W" height="H"> Here:- source is the location of image on your system or the url of an image on internet.(make sure to write the correct name and extension of image file) alt text is the text which will be displayed if your image doesn't appear for some reason. And Height and Width are the dimensions of image. You can get more info through Solo learn or through W3schools website.
9th Mar 2017, 5:12 AM
Aryamaan Thakur
use the <img> tag
9th Mar 2017, 1:31 PM
Athar Shaikh
Athar Shaikh - avatar