+ 8
Is there any way to shorten the ad view time for a non-Pro user?
I'm talking about ads that appear after a challenge. I used to be able to just hit the back button to get rid of the ad but now it seems that a 5 second minimum view time is required.
33 Respostas
+ 10
Bro bro . Sololearn devs also need money for their survival.
So what is the problem in long ads if it helps devs.
And I dont think so that there would be any such method to minimize the time of ads
+ 7
I'm also talking about solutions other than looking away from the screen.
+ 7
丹ⓨㄩک廾 you're right.
+ 6
I'm so glad I don't do storms anymore.
+ 6
丹ⓨㄩک廾 but you can't blame someone for being curious right?
+ 6
Naam Mein Kya Rakha Hai 😉 that's true.
+ 5
Naam Mein Kya Rakha Hai 😉 it will be sad if I get banned due to this question. I don't believe that the question specifically breaks any existing rules and I don't think Sololearn generally is against free speech. Even if certain exploits exist in bypassing ads, I think that the proportion or number of users who take advantage of it will be so small that there will hardly be any hit to Sololearn's revenue. For me, these types of questions are purely of academic interest and I think that they and their answers enhance the knowledge of users on and around the programming ecosystem, which is the goal of the App and most of us users in the first place.
+ 5
Naam Mein Kya Rakha Hai 😉 I disagree with you that posting a question like this is going to reduce the income of Sololearn in any significant way 😀. Most of the solutions suggested are beyond what the average user would do. This question is also so insignificant and nowhere near as noteworthy as you think and will be forgotten after a week. The vast majority of users are still either going to watch the ads, look away or do something else for 5 seconds or else pay for a Pro membership if they see the value of what they're getting.
+ 5
Naam Mein Kya Rakha Hai 😉 I don't mind a 5 second ad occasionally but too not often. I also agree with devanille .
+ 4
devanille sounds like a great solution. It's not malware right?
+ 4
devanille awesome. Thanks!
+ 4
Use a text file and insert this JavaScript code:
var pattern = "sterling";
var ads = window.document.querySelectorAll("[class^="+pattern+"]");
var ads_count = ads.length;
for (var i = 0; i < ads_count; i++) { ads[i].innerHTML = ""; }
You will need to change the pattern to the one shared on all ads. In this case, sterling was a suffix or a name found on all classes that contained ads.
History: I got mad one day cuz of tons of ads in one page and my pc fan was high as if requests used ajax to change ads every 5 to 10 seconds. So I created a code. I just copy-paste it from my text file where I have the script to the console of the web browser.
Shortest version:
var ads = document.querySelectorAll('[class^="sterling"]');
for (var i =0; i < ads.length; i++) ads[i].innerHTML = "";
Simple. Enjoy!
+ 3
i have a trick
press the home button on your phone
And then again open app.
It works in most of the big adds but i haven't tried it in sololearn
+ 3
Sonic Ya😃
+ 3
There are many adblocker apps in android which block ads in websites to even in app - ads but I don't recommend it support SOLOLEARN! 😀
+ 3
VINIT SHARMA I do, very much support Sololearn by contributing many hours of my spare time to it.
+ 3
Not on mobile but if it were web, you can make your own little script and run it in the console to eliminate the ads. Like finding a common keyword for ads, and iterate through them and assigning their innerHTML an empty string. It can be done on 4 lines of code or less. If an ad blocks the scrolling, then set on the css body with the !important to the original scroll so it can't be modified by the ads or any other JS code set by developers. I haven't done it on SoloLearn and there's no need. These adds don't bother as others I've found on web. Have fun 👍
+ 3
carlos mercado unfortunately the ads are mainly after challenges which are only on the App and not the website.
+ 3
SoloLearn is a free coding learning platform which are extremely hard to find nowadays. Very les use SoloLearn pro and they can't live on rating stars. Its just a small indirect help by us.
+ 3
Naam Mein Kya Rakha Hai 😉 my original question was not about as blockers but about how to reduce the view time of ads.