Hi all, try to resolve this Coin Flip Steak challenge from the second edition of "Automate the boring Stuff with Python" this is the code that I have wrote and I'm happy to ear what is wrong there https://code.sololearn.com/c7Hl87Y989ku/#py I know that this is not the most elegant way to resolve the problem but the chapter is dedicated to Lists, so when suggest your solution please assume you are reading the book up to chapter 4 so: 1. you don't know other data structure than lists 2.you don't know how to define functions 3.you don't know lists comprension Thanks for any advice.
2 Respostas
I think you need count=0 instead count=-1 in line no. 41.. Try it once..
why the percentage?
why not the amount of occurence of 6 streaks?
what if there was more than 6 streaks?
you dont explain how the percentage output works.
question too vague