Whats the point of yet another Learn <CodeLanguage> Book/App/Site if the real challenges/topics are APIs and OS?
You see them everywhere, millions of books, thousands upon thousands of sites, dozens of pamphlets. Learn, for example, C++. Sure you can learn what structures, arrays, variables, strings, functions and pointers are, some books maybe, just maybe, show you a bit of the standard library SDL but that's about it. In reality all that knowledge is barely enough to create things that really do things like working with Operating Systems APIs like Windows API (yet to find a good book if any), linux, API for graphics card, networking (a bit better). That's just the tip of the hidden ice Berg.There's barely anything useful, if anything, there's just riddled outdated documentations that explain nothing while expecting everything. Things like data science are well documented for languages like Python. Especially Assembly. You'd think that there'd be something out there thats understandable but there isn't. Literally a book on reverse Engineering is better documented than an 8086 assembly book.