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What is string literal? Null character '\0'. What about slash zero. (\0)? How its work ? Tell me info. About that.
7 Respostas
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As Davide says, \0 on strings means the end of array.
For pointers, NULL is for no indicate adress of memory of pointer type (see pointers on c course), unusue. When you assign like:
int *ptr=NULL;
printf("%x\n",ptr);//outputs 0, because *ptr (the memory pointed by ptr) is NULL, (dont have any adrres).
prinf("%x\n",ptr);//outputs something like 234fab82 (an hexadimal number wich is a adrres memory where the machine store the value of 5)
int a=5;
printf("%x\n",ptr);//outputs the adrres of a, wich is type int, and store the value 5;
printf("%d\n",*ptr);//outputs the value of a, wich adrres is pointed by ptr, and her value is acceded by the * operator.
Good luck.
Sory for bad english.
+ 6
Read this for string literal: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50125126/what-is-a-literal-string-char-array-in-c
\0 is the character that tell where the string ends.
If I create the array:
char array[2];
array[0] = "a";
array[1] = "b";
And then I do:
printf("%s", array);
The output will be something like that:
Until a random \0 character is found in the memory
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\n is what is know as an escape sequence character. And what is does is that it goes to a new line when you are writing something to the console. Just think of hitting the enter key on your computer when you type. Hope this helps.
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#$ŪPĒŘŠ.Å.Đ. I don't really know much C programming but I found it on stackoverflow hope it helps https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14461695/what-does-0-stand-for/14461711#:~:text=In%20C%2C%20%5C0%20denotes%20a%20character%20with%20value%20zero.&text=The%20'%5C0'%20inside%20character,in%20Objective%20C%20is%20identical.
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I am sorry. It's my mistake . I know about slash N (\n).
I want answer about slash zero (\0).
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MICAEL MIRANDA, how's your English. I don't care.
But now I understood what you going says. Thanks.