+ 30
I can't full complete C++ lesson.
why the 8 projects in the lesson are for the pro version only. Can ordinary people finish the lesson? Not everyone can pro! There are 30 40 easy projects. But all for pro version 🤔😐
36 Respostas
+ 31
I think we don't need to purchase pro subscription to complete c++ course. The 8 projects are available in the end of the modules. So, you can complete the course easily by solving them.
But pro is needed for that 30 or 40 easy projects as you mentioned above.
⚔ Sanjar ⚔ Definitely, your learner process will be 100% after completing all 17 courses. Also, you should complete that 8 projects if you want to get the certificate like Arsenic got
+ 13
Prathamesh pro is free for 14 days now.
but you need a visa card for that.
+ 8
Simba Can I be 100% after completing 17 courses.
+ 7
⚔ Sanjar ⚔ In the recent update, sololearn have extended the C++ course and added projects at the end of each module. You have to complete them in order to receive the new certificate
+ 7
Arsenic yeah. I got c++ sertificat 2 days ago. But it is not similar your sertificat.
+ 7
⚔ Sanjar ⚔ just look through the course again, I have heard that they have added a project very recently.
if not then try updating the app first
+ 7
Sonic but I don't have visa card and more money 😐
+ 6
Arsenic I can't get sertificat. Sololearn don't give me 😕
+ 6
Bro At first Sololearn ,show the demo by completing a project and it's actually for pro members. Pro is nice for a user because in pro you can do anything. Like unlock all lesson try more code - coach practice. I prefer you if you want practice then subscribe pro.
And you can unlock all and projects are just for check that what you have learnt form lesson.so don't take tension. Keep learning :)
+ 6
Without taking pro premium you are willing to get that 30 to 40 project . There should be something extra for which people will be willing to take pro premium .
But you can learn 100% even without completing those 30 to 40 project . There are already 8 project for practice .
+ 4
I think the last few lesson you have seen ,was written by someone who has the pro subscription but it doesn't mean that you cannot finish the lesson.You can finish the lesson. All you have to do it to click that lesson.
+ 4
Richard what bro
+ 4
If you have the money, you can pay for Pro and avoid all the hassle.
+ 3
As Simba said, the course can be completed without pro subscription.
I have done is recently and as you can see, I am not a pro user👇
+ 3
Nooooo, above those pro projects and below a little of that quiz module...
+ 3
As a above said, the course can be finish without any pro or some subscriptions.
Look at my sertificate. I am a simple user.
+ 3
Or if you finished another course and got sertificate like that, you can’t get again from new course. i think that. becouse i got c++ sertifate and now i am trying get java sertificate like that but questions are locked 😕
+ 3
Surya ok 😊
+ 3
Sanjar Sharipov bir necha kun avval c++ ni tugatdim. Va sertificat oldim. Lekin 2 kundan keyin tugallanmagan bòlib qoldi. Solution lar qòshilib qoldi. Ular pro uchun deyarli hammasi yopiq