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Bootstrap html css Logics or thoery building
Guys and tips trick or method to improve front web language understandable like how to build logic
7 Respostas
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Constant Practice is what builds Logic....
Build many minor projects...
Then go for some major one...
That's how u improve front-end skills...
+ 4
Anglena Html , Css ,JavaScript ,Bootstrap is ofcourse indeed for front-end jobs...
+ 3
Anglena By minor projects i meant making websites with whatever u know while learning that is along the path...
Time for job ready depends on the effort u put in to learn...
If u r a decent learner , U will be job ready within 2 months...idk
Try building clones of some professional websites. If u r able to build the clone working , then Realize u r Job ready...
Provided u have built it with ur own knowledge....
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Alphin K Sajan minor projects like one page website? And how many months it can take to be a job ready
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Anglena Wlcm & All the Best
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Alphin K Sajan I'm just learning html css and bootstrap is that enough for job coz many professionals are out there
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Alphin K Sajan Much Thanks