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How can I count the depth of nested list ?
16 Respostas
+ 3
If u stringified
Iterate liststring
[ increments level
] decrements it
If level > Max then max=level
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Aditya Bhargava
Grokking Algorithms: An illustrated guide for programmers and other curious people
+ 2
I had a go...but I did it a very long winded way.....then I seen your comment about converting it to a string...that's when the penny dropped...so, after you convert it, loop through the string and use string replace method to replace"[]" with "" (i.e...nothing) and increment a counter.
+ 2
replace [ by 1 and] by - 1
accumulate the list and find max.
+ 2
This is from one of the posters comment.
Although the original post was about ([[][][][]]).
I was going to suggest using NumPy.
+ 1
Suppose I have this list
L=([])#it contains 1 bracket
L2=([[[]]])#contain 3 empty nested lists .
How I can get the number of empty lists.I converted it to str then try to use count func but no vain
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rodwynnejones [[][]]
depth is 2
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you can solve it with recursion
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#Here the code and comment what the output should be given.my solution isnt correct
def count_brackets(lst):
return f.count("[]")
#➞ 1
#➞ 2
# ➞ 3
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Could U please explain to me the method U use to solve it
Thanks alot
+ 1
jäbbar an empty list [] has a depth of 1
A non empty list has a depth of Max depth of its elements + 1
Are you asking for the number of sub-lists/arrays or the count of elements in the whole list?
Hm.got headache from overthinking to figure it out .
Any way thanks alot
Aha .that helps ...I do thank U for Ur help.
Now I am trying to develop my logic so am searching for a book .
Could U please suggest me a good book that helps me to improve my logic in programming.
Much of thanks in advance