+ 2

Hey so i am struggling lesson in general is there any way someone can help me

24th Jul 2016, 4:37 AM
6 Respostas
+ 4
Booleans = True & False Questions Comparison Operators: Equal (==) [Example: 1 == 1 >>> Output: True] [Example: 1 == 2 >>> Output: False] Not Equal (!=) [Example: 1 != 1 >>> Output: False] [Example: 1 != 2 >>> Output: True] Greater Than (>) [Example: 1 > 2 >>> Output: False] [Example: 2 > 1 >>> Output: True] Less Than (<) [Example: 1 < 2 >>> Output: True] [Example: 2<1 >>> Output: False] Greater or Equal (>=) [Example: 1 >= 1 >>> Output: True] [Example: 2 >= 1 >>> Output: True] [Example: 1>=2 >>>Output: False] Less or Equal (<=) [Example: 1 <= 1 >>> Output: True] [Example: 1 <= 2 >>> Output: True] [Example: 2<=1 >>>Output: False] Boolean Operators: and – compares 2 "comparison operators": [True + True = True] [True + False = False] [False + False = False] or – compares 2 "comparison operators": [True + True = True] [True + False = True] [False + False = False] not [Example: 1>4 >>> Worded Translation: 1 is greater than 4 >>> Output: False] [Example: not 1>4 >>> Worded Translation: 1 is "not" greater than 4 >>> Output: True]
25th Jul 2016, 3:53 PM
Terrance Banh
Terrance Banh - avatar
I'm just learning too but I'll try to help. Where is your struggles at in this lesson?
24th Jul 2016, 10:28 PM
Terrance Banh
Terrance Banh - avatar
If you are looking for a general understanding, from what I understand this lesson teaches 2 conditions have to be met as true for the operation to be perceived as true. Sorry for improper terminology XD
24th Jul 2016, 10:35 PM
Terrance Banh
Terrance Banh - avatar
I just dont understand the whole boolean lesson in genral.
25th Jul 2016, 1:53 PM
sorry let me try to compile some easy to understand information XD
25th Jul 2016, 2:20 PM
Terrance Banh
Terrance Banh - avatar
Hows that for an answer? XD
25th Jul 2016, 3:54 PM
Terrance Banh
Terrance Banh - avatar