Dear all, please what does it takes for someone to become a front end developer.... Where to start from???
Front End Developer
4 Respostas
Do you want to code for the web or desktop applications?
For web: Start with HTML and CSS
For desktop applications: Start with C#/Java and JavaFX or WPF
You should start with html then , css and Javascript.. That's like prerequisite to be a front end developer. You can move on from there after gaining the basic knowledge
Great answers and I appreciate... how long(duration) for one to complete the basic knowledge of each say HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT and ANGULAR JS?
one can't become frontend developer by learning just a single language there many parameters to keep in mind for becoming a front-end developer
First you to know the basic of web technology .
which Html and CSS ( this are not programming languages but this are most important part of web development to learn )
then learn JavaScript .
now days there are many JavaScript front-end framework available
like Angularjs or React learn this things after learning JavaScript .
so why learn HTLM : you know you have to structure you web page . then you have to use HTML
CSS ?? : YES now your web structured the information you want show is visible . but one problem it's looking ugly . now CSS will come to rescue you . so using CSS not only put your data where ever you want but also style them color theme .
but you said JavaScript ??
remember when you put your data into contact from or any sign form if you type number instead of email . it's shows you that you have entered wrong information . how it's possible
you guessed it right .
it's JavaScript who checks it in client machine before sending that data into server .
there are enormous things you can do with JavaScript like animations or showing or hiding data according to events
learning JavaScript is not enough .
want to create realtime application or one page application you have to learn Angularjs or this type of framework .
so why need framework ??
just imagine you have to build a massive website you have less time left but you have to complete that website within time with great quality .
frameworks can rescu you from this situation . frameworks are nothing but collections of codes which can reused without writing them again again .
want to create a validation just call the function tada magic will happen . you don't have to code it from scratch .
also you have to learn Adobe Photoshop or illustrator
and many UI / UX related stuff to keep yourself in demand