+ 14
[Solved]Why can't I message anyone in SoloLearn?
I can't message anyone. Whenever I type in a message and click on send it shows me Try again error. Even if the other person follows me still we can't message each other. How to solve this? What is causing this?
42 Respostas
+ 67
I just understood after a bit of research!
I want to tell everyone that this is not a bug(exceptions might be there for few users). I am sure because I have a 1+ year old account and I opened after many days and tried to message someone. And it worked!
Firstly, activation and being able to message are different things. If you are able to upvote in here, your account is already activated.
However, messaging is different and needs 30 days after activation of your account!
For people who can't use it:
1. Please use the app for 30 days and you shall be able to message!
2. It might still be a personal bug for you so please email them and they shall solve it.
Hope it helps!
Ps: Also as Krishna Therokar said it might be a problem with your android version as well, but its highly unlikely. I have tried on devices running as low as Android 6.0 and the messaging still works fine! Below that, it may cause some compatibility issues(speculation).
+ 15
It's Roy
Its a bug we all are frustrated of it.
You can report it in the sl app through the feedback section or you can also mail then to info@sololearn.com
+ 9
It's Roy
You can mail them at info@sololearn.com
I frequently mail them and they reply in 2-3 days.
We all can mail them about this issue so that this matter can come to their notice.
We can also report a bug from this app in the feedback section.
+ 8
It's Roy worst UX experience in my opinion they could've just wrote it will take 30 days :( to unlock msg 😅
Btw I can't send msg as well it says active your account and keep learning to unlock msgs.
(Of course account activated)
+ 6
There can be more problems:
1. A bug - try to contact SoloLearn per mail or be patient, maybe resolved it soon :)
2. Maybe not activated account, Try to control email and activate.
3. SoloLearn added new security measures for new users, to prevent spam - just learn and become familiar with SoloLearn, If I'm not mistaken it will be unlocked with level 7 or more.
Hope I helped you.
Happy coding and happy Sl journey :)
+ 6
Krishna Therokar
I still face that bug 😭😭
+ 6
Sonic not that i am able to send messages but many times it doesn't go says try again that's a bug 😫😫
+ 6
My account is 1 year + old
And that bug is not like i am not able to chat. Messages goes but after many tries and re-sending it again and again.
+ 6
It's Roy
1. Yeah
2. 7, 8, 10
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. No
+ 6
You just need to be in a specific level,like level 4 or 5...
+ 6
What i mean is that u should have or be in a specific level or reach a specific xp
+ 5
It's Roy
Yeah it happens with me too
Sometimes when I try to post an answer/comment it tells me i am offline
It's really frustrating 😤😤
Note: Sometimes
+ 4
Or 4. This is a new account and you have got in trouble with SL before (may not apply to you)
+ 4
Krish [less active] Ok let's mail them including this thread's link and bring the matter to their notice. After all, we want this app to be better. I will drop a mail today, you also drop one. Sonic we need your help and if you are comfortable, then I would admire if you dropped a mail too ☺️.
+ 3
Use searchbar before postng any new question
+ 3
Krish [less active] but you're level 16! How come you are not able to DM?
+ 3
Krish [less active] maybe it's a bug and maybe there are time quotas for messages to prevent spam. I don't know.
+ 3
Diamond Garcia I didn't say it definitely is a bug but that it could be. Yes you have a point. However, as far as I know, the dev team of SL isn't that large, so it's still possible although not probable that it could be an unaddressed bug that has been in the system since the last update. Having said that, I generally agree with It's Roy .
+ 3
It's Roy , I'm curious though how you would explain the case of Krish [less active] who is a level 16 and clearly has used the App for over 30 days.
+ 3
Maybe your device will be supported by lower android version or you are not in good network area coz it's actually after 1year I came back to sololearn and it's really working fine! Or may should update app.