Python lists, help needed
Hello! I'm new to programming and Python. I gave myself a challenge about manipulating lists and now I'm stuck. Here's my problem: I have two lists of strings. names =["Bulbasaur", "Ivysaur", "Venusaur", "Charmander", "Charmeleon", "Charizard", "Squirtle", "Wartortle", "Blastoise"] numbers = ["#1 ", "#2 ", "#3 ", "#4 ", "#5 ", "#6 ", "#7 ", "#8 ", "#9 "] I'd like to combine the two lists into a new list called pokedex, which should look like this: pokedex = ["#1 Bulbasaur", "#2 Ivysaur", "#3 Venusaur", and so on... ] Using a for loop I get ["#1 Bulbasaur", #1 Ivysaur", "#1 Venusaur", .... , "#2 Bulbasaur", "#2 Ivysaur", and so on...] How do I do it so I only add the first index of the first list to the first index of the second list, then the second to the second and so on?