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write a function in python to remove duplicates
write a function in python to remove duplicates from a list. number = [23,45,67,78,'Hello',34.34,34j,'Python',34,45.6,'ML',78,'Hello',34.34,34j] Answer : duplicate =[23,45,67,78,'Hello',34.34,34j,'Python',34,45.6,'ML',78,'Hello',34.34,34j] print(list(set(duplicate))) O/p: ['Hello', 34.34, 67, 34, 34j, 'Python', 45, 78, 45.6, 'ML', 23] Is it right?? How do I do it without inbuilt function set ??
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duplicate =[23,45,67,78,'Hello',34.34,34j,'Python',34,45.6,'ML',78,'Hello',34.34,34j]
Op:['Hello', 34.34, 67, 34, 34j, 'Python', 45, 78, 45.6, 'ML', 23]
number = [1, 2,2,3,4,5]
num = set(number)
# as we know python set doesn't allow duplicate elements in it so a simple type casting is the answer.