line[0] prints the first letter of A line. But I Also Require Len of that element. Eg. B5 for BOOKS.
file = open("/usercode/files/books.txt", "r") for line in file: print(line[0]+file.write("/usercode/files/books.txt"))#This don't works, don't Concatenate
14 Respostas
+ 1
check my updated answer (to convert length to string): I forgotten the str() call ^^
+ 1
you probably should check your closing parenthesis ^^
+ 1
then use:
print(line[0]+str(len(line)-(1 if line[-1]=='\n' else 0)))
it will substract 1 if last line char is the new line char ;)
+ 1
you don't want to use file.write(), as you don't want to modify the file ^^
and even by writing in a temporary file, you will get the line length plus one (the new line)...
if you want to do so, you need to open a temporary file with 'w' flag instead of 'r'
+ 1
just use the strip() method on the string to remove the '\n' then get its length
visph I tried but it cAnnot concatenate string and numbers eg. In BOOKS, B and 5 is concatenated. But How
It is sAying EOF While Parsing
It is close. EXPECTED Output is H12, T16, P19, G18 But I got H13, T17, P20, G18
Seems like file.write() need to be used to print the length insteAd of length function
file.write() will write into file ^^
How do I use readlines and print(file.write()) to Achieve the sAme Above
Seems like need more in-depth AnAlyse. ThAnks much
A simpler way with 5 lines of code.
A simple explanation, loop through all lines, and if a line has trailing/ending "\n" remove it from the count of the length.