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List in python, heeeeelp meeeee sensie
myList = ["Nani", "onichan", "kodasai"] How do i get rid of these errors? What i am going to do here is to find the exact index number of my list even i put lower cases string. Example, Sample = myList.index("nani" ) This turns into error result since nani is not in the list unless, the "n" will be capitalized. I already use .lower() function while converting the list of myList into lower cases but i put it in another variable and it works, but is there another way to make this simple and not complicated?
15 Respostas
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You should lowercase the way i updated in the code.
Explanation: Because only this will lowercase the character and will updated the value lowercased in the list concurrently
+ 3
May be....it should work.
Sample = myList.index("nani".lower())
+ 2
Abhay here
*input a teammate names "but capitalized"
*input checker in "lower cases"
checker: kent
Output// nope
list = []
print("Enter teammates")
for i in range(3):
list += [input("Enter name: ")]
while True:
check = input("\nCheck name: ")
if check in list:
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Nihar Buliya yup, its mine.
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Ok if that's the exact code.
It is showing error if i am checking for "nani" in the list.
The error message is "nani is not in the list"
so the question here is what are you using to lowercase the list elements?
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Nihar Buliya so, how do i get rid of that thing?
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Also you can try use a method to change the string itself
my_list = ['Nani', 'Onichan', 'Kodasai']
Sample = my_list.index('nani'.capitalize())
capitalize () it's the method to make only the first letter to Capital Capital letter
+ 1
Naveen Rathore nope, u r just trying to lower the cases of your sample variable. also in that case, your sample variable is nothing to do with the list.
U r doing this >> ...("NANI".lower()) >> output: nani >> sample.
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I didn't understand what exactly you are looking for but code by Naveen Rathore works fine
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Above is another example, it always turns to nope if i put lower cases in checker name
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Kakai so can't you make names lowercase when user adds an input , like
list += [input("Enter name: ").lower()]
Or list should only have the same case of letters as input ?
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It is showing the same error for me even if i am putting the mylisy.index() into variable..Can you check if that was your code?
Run a loop for list and convert all characters to lowercase and then you can get the index .