thats a school's exercise i have to do, but i don't know why it doesn't work. could someone help me?
so the exercise asks to make a sum of 2 numbers using the forms, and wants that those 2 numbers are shown in an alert using a button(i don't know why but can't use the 'submit') here is a picture of how the exercise is supposed to look: https://ibb.co/Wz3jx5z ( it's wrote in italian so i'm going to translate: uno, due, .. , cinque simply means 1,2, .., 5. while "invia il" mens "send the"). here is the code that i have made: https://code.sololearn.com/WA14A10A2381/# , the function or the button doesn't work. which is the problem?
9 Respostas
+ 2
first error is syntax of 'function' wich should not be capitalized...
however, there are some logical errors:
id are supposed to be unique...
in case of multiple elements with same id, only the first one is returned, so you'll always get 1 and 1... as string (so result of n1+n2 is '11').
you need to get (and cast to number) the select value for n1, and the #N2:checked value for n2... using querySelector will help:
Thanks visph but how does the .querySelector works?
querySelector get one string argument wich is the css selector string of targeted element... it return the first element matching it.
querySelectorAll works same, but return an array-like of all matching elements...
both are available on document and every node elements ;)
visph and select and checked? Couldnt write in the First One "#N1:checked"?
maybe i understand, the queryselector automaticcally takes the First id so for add the second id to the variable Need to use the "#N2:checked"
no: :checked pseudo class is only available for radios/check boxes... select works differently, and hold selected value directly on select element ;)
visph thanks for everything at school they basically give tasks without explaining that much, you been a lot more helpful than my teacher
you're maybe expected to do some research by your own ;P
however, I don't know if you are supposed to use anything else than simple <input type="text" id="Nx"> (or type="number"), from wich you could get value just by +getElementById('Nx').value ^^
visph i must use the radio and the other type I don't remember right now