I beg my help, I just learned I wanted to master the Java programming language
if you can speak Indonesian friends ,, my question is this, his answer just send to my email: This ,,, Racparty16@gmail.com her question why when I make a project build is not stored difolder dist but if the source code is no wonder why a friend I beg help me ,, I have learned
9 Respostas
+ 12
What about asking here and using Google translate?
+ 11
Sometimes Google translate doesn't help -.-
Still don't understand.
+ 11
No one knows what you are asking. Do you want to know, where the class files are stored after compilation? \bin of your project folder?
+ 5
¿Que lenguaje?
+ 5
What exactly is your question?
yes ,, i use google translate what you guys can help me
why when I learned JAVA software use NetBeans IDE 8.2 and I memilib the category of JAVA and its JAVA APPLICATION Project and my question is currently completing the process BUILD PROJECT kenpa not saved folder "dist" while the "source code" it is no wonder why stored friend
continue what I have to talk to your friends
no, I asked why when I create a project folder "disk" does not exist