Is this possible in python?
If you have idea about linux bash, we can provide arguments in the same line in the terminal. For Example in sed, the format is, sed OPTIONS... [SCRIPT] [INPUTFILE...] Let's say, to greet 'Hello' there is a python program, greet.py Input in cmd (Suppose, my python file is reg. in env. path) ========== greet Arun Output ====== Hello Arun Wondering, whether this is possible in python, any idea how to?
4 Respostas
+ 4
Yes you can do it in python. You just need to import sys library.
import sys
your_arguments = sys.argv # all the arguments are stored in this list
print(f"Hello {your_arguments[1]} ")
# first element is your python file name
+ 1
Yes, you'd have to add the directory with the code in it to your $PATH. That way, you can call it without './'
Then make the python code executable
chmod 755 <filename>
Then in the python code, make sure you have code for argc & argv.
Say the code is called greet.py:
someone@linux:$ greet.py Arun
EDIT: Nice Arun Bhattacharya . Just so you know, Windows also has a PATH variable you can add a folder to. It will then run any code with the correct shebang at the top when called. It's treated as a command instead of you having to phisically type python3 <code path> *<args>
+ 1
Thanks Hoh Shen Yien, I think you meant, print(f"Hello {your_arguments[1]}")
Thanks Slick, currently am on Windows, but surely it helped me understanding it in Linux.
Oh yes forgotten to add the curly bracket