array element removal
void remove(float a[], int& n, int i); void read(float a[],int& n); void print(float a[],int& n); const int MAXSIZE=100; int main() { float a[MAXSIZE],element; int size; read(a,size); cout<<"the array is: "; print(a,size); cout<<"\nThe value you want to remove: "; cin>>element; remove(a,size,element); } void read(float a[],int& n) { n=0; do { cout<<"a["<<n<<"]="<<endl; cin>>a[n]; } while(a[n++]!=0 && n<MAXSIZE); --n; } void print(float a[],int& n) { for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { cout<<a[i]<<","; } } void remove(float a[], int& n, int i) { for (int j=i+1; j<n; j++) { a[j-1] = a[j]; --n; } } the code runs but after taking the array as input, the value I want to remove that part doesn't execute.What is the problem?