46 Respostas
+ 53
Imagine and compare.,
c-language = >Learning a cycle 🚴
python = >Learning a bike 🚲
you question is like this -"should I learn cycle 🚴 or bike 🚲?"
some people will say first learn cycle and then learn bike, some people say first learn bike then learn cycle but the decision left to you..
1) cycle 🚴 runs on every roads (games, softwares, designing a operating system, designing compiler etc..) and most of people use bike for long trips on Highways (web-designing , making desktop apps, making android apps, Data analysis , building games etc..)
2) Repairing (checking for errors) cycle 🚴 is easy but repairing a bike requires skills (Taking python community help) to repair
3) cycle 🚴 takes much time (100 lines of code) to reach destination(designing software), bike 🚲 takes less time(few lines of code) to reach the destination(designing software)
4) cycle 🚴 is old and bike 🚲 is updated
+ 24
C/C++ is the formal starter pack over here in our university for Comp Science courses, whereas Python isn't taught throughout the entire course. Just to feed a thought.
+ 18
First Python then C language
Because C Language is hard
+ 17
python 3
+ 13
c is the best language to start upon...bcoz all its syntax are lyk mother for all other languages... its even easy to understand comparatively with other languages...
I suggest c..since u r in the beginning stage...
+ 12
Speaking as someone who mainly codes in C and Python, I would recommend Python for beginners.
Python has an easy syntax, error messages are helpful and you don't have to deal with all the gritty details of C that will only make it more difficult to understand the basic concept of programming.
C is a low level language in which the programmer has to do all the work and thinking, this gives great power, but also causes great complexity. I would recommend C to those who are proficient in some other programming language, to gain a better understanding of programming and computers in general, but not to a novice.
+ 11
I'd recommend to start with C because you will profit from doing things more explicitly and closer to the machine. I see static typing as a big advantage for beginners, because it forces you to think a little about types and typecasting.
At least do the first four modules (but don't worry about pointers), then practice a lot. Check out projecteuler.net, if you don't know what problems to train on.
+ 11
As a person who uses C and is trying to teach it here on SoloLearn, I suggest C. You'll learn so much more about Programming if you do and you'll get an idea of under the hood structures and information that you may not get anywhere else. Yes, C is hard. But it takes a hard, stubborn, and critically thinking person to handle it. C is almost entirely understanding where the data is, where it's going, and if it is being held properly. You got that, then it becomes about efficiency, though you should strive for efficiency from the beginning. Take a look into my few tutorials and see whatcha think, I can also recommend a few good places to learn C.
+ 9
be organized ! be alphabetical !! Try C first then Phython
+ 8
For me C is more easy to learn. You can start learning C and later Python, it maybe easier.
+ 7
why not both?
+ 7
Thank you all of you guys.
This helps me a lot to figure it out. :-)
+ 7
C 💪
I think someone who really intends to be a programmer should begin with C or even C++.
Python is too good for laid-back people that I don't even qualify it for a programming language good enough to introduce someone to tougher challenges awaiting them in other languages.
C is more like Learning from First Principles. 👌
+ 7
if you want to go for Google and NASA. do python
+ 6
choose C as it is a mother of all programming language wil sure help you make a better programmer of yourself..well if i were you i rather go for C then to go for python cuz C has more basics helps to understand all other programming languages as well.
+ 5
I think you should start to learn Python, then C. Python is very easy to understand because it is not needed for you to have basic programming skills before learning. At first I started C++ but soon understood that it is too hard for those who didn't code before.
P.S. Sorry for bad language... I tried :D
+ 4
wel, it is 50/50. you can choose either one. depends on an individual. both these language has its pros and cons. c is a structured programming language whereas python is a scripting language. generally c language codes are denser which means it has more codes. for eg; to code even a single hello world program, it would be like:
#include<stdio. h>
void main() {
printf("Hello world") ;
whereas in python you need only 1 line:
print("Hello World ")
so, python usually become the language of choice for beginners coz its much more easier to learn.
but c is more close to the machine so its a good language for developing libraries, compilers, interpreters in fact python's base language is C i. e. the python interpreter was developed in c. But again python has a rich set of libraries which can do far better work than c and in efficient way.
Like for me, i strted with c. So, python was naturally very easy for me. It took 3 to 4 days to learn the basic syntax of python for me.
So, it totally depends on you. whether you want to learn the hard way or the easy way. but anyway, you should try to learn both. :) 👍
+ 4
python is simple and easy i'm 11 and i am halfway througg the course
+ 4
Python for sure
+ 4
It depends how dedicated you are.
Personally I started by learning C in a university course, it was an extremely difficult and frustrating experience for me, spending 40+ hours a week on assignments. If I was learning on my own without my grades being on the line I may have given up trying.
However having learned the basics of programming in C I found Python extremely easy to pick up, so I am very grateful for the hard start.