Bubble sort in Java
Sort 1st half in ascending and 2nd half in descending of an array using Bubble sort in Java
11 Respostas
+ 1
"I have just no intention to create humour here....now just get lost..."
if you can't consume the Criticism and instead trying to lecture the person, you better be off choosing another profession.
your code is real hard to read or even work on it.
Thanks for your answer. But haven't you heard anything called politeness ?
I appreciate constructive criticism...but the exaggeration that "it made my eyes bleed" was surely a sign of impoliteness. And in your reply you have said that "your coding style is trash". Instead of that, you could've said that "you need to work on your coding style"...I guess it sounds more decent and polite, doesn't it ? And you belong to UK as mentioned in your profile so you of course know better English than me. Anyways, I am not here to argue with fellow users of this app. So, all the best for your future.
I have just no intention to create humour here....now just get lost...
Well I know that is not good...but I tried the other way earlier...now I only have this option left...you can see that in my first comment I said nothing impolite or which could hurt someone and try to "restore my own feeling of superiority". And I think that this a platform to discuss our problems and all and so I really dont feel embarrassed that I had some issues and was diligent enough to try to address to problem to other users.
See that's completely fine and I too agree that it was hard to read and i appreciate constructive criticism. I just had the problem with the tone of the answer. Now , I don't want anymore banter here so I request you to stop and I'll stop it as well. THANKS very much for your valuable time which you invested on me.