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python func
alright, i can't get my head around it can someone explain the use of the first def and the "arg" in detail.... def apply_twice(func, arg): return func(func(arg)) def add_five(x): return x + 5 print(apply_twice(add_five, 10))
6 Respostas
+ 7
Even if you use another name instead of arg and func, it will work as same.
def is used to define function.
First in the line,
You are calling the apply_twice function where you are giving add_five function passed inside the first parameter and the 10 in the second parameter.
Next in the apply_twice function, you are returning func(func(arg)) here the func is refered to the add_five and arg is refered to 10.
So in short, you are returning
return add_five(add_five(10))
Here .First add_five(10) will return 10+5 which is 15.Now if you simplify the previous line, it becomes:
return add_five(15)
now it returns 15+5=20
So it returns 20 and prints 20
return func(func(arg))
=>return add_five(add_five(10))
=>return add_five(15)
=>return 20
So it prints 20.
+ 4
Explanation is here. In your case output is 20 because of 2 arguments in function.
def is a pre defined and we using it which declearing or defining function in python arg is a argument which u passing in rough way u can say it a passing function variable u van give any any name instead of args but u cannot change def with any bame gere u defined two functions first one is apply_twice and second one is afd_five(x) in both function u passing one parameter in print statement u calling add five function and passing value 10 so 10 will pass to x and return statement will execute and it will return 10+5 which is 15
same will be apply for next function becz in print statement u calling two functions so first time add will call then
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Can you help me ...i dont know how to write pythone code to count aspecfic name in text in file and how much time it is take to finish