Mistake in RU localisation

Just compare EN (original, true) and RU localisation (with mistake) EN https://ibb.co/Zht7xMV RU https://ibb.co/4SP6wwN the penultimate word should be "вещественное" instead "целое": вещественное - float целое - integer Should be: Вы также можете использовать целочисленное деление с вещественными числами, но результатом всегда будет вещественное число.

7th Aug 2021, 7:23 PM
3 Respostas
+ 3
Yes looks like they wrote integer divison and integer instead of floor division and float . You can write an email to sololearn regarding this problem at info@sololearn.com
7th Aug 2021, 7:31 PM
Abhay - avatar
+ 2
Yes, i created report email to support Thanks
7th Aug 2021, 7:34 PM
I want to a little bit extend my proposal above. In English version we have last word "float". And it's ok, easy to understand. In russian (besides mistake correction) better to translate it more expanded. I don't know how to call 2.0? It is integer, but type is float in the same time. Both, mutually exclusion, version EN & RU can't be there, it's logically. See screenshot: https://ibb.co/q0tryzP At least, please correct russian translation as i proposed in first message in this thread. Thanks
8th Aug 2021, 8:43 AM