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Guys I have a quiestion .... I interested in backend ..... but I know javascript only then what's next for backend?
24 Respostas
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Front End (Frameworks and Libraries) : AngularJS , React.js , jQuery, SASS , Flutter, and some other libraries and frameworks
Back end (built by using some languages) : PHP , C++ , Java , Python , JavaScript , Node.js , C#, Ruby, REST, GO .....
Back End Frameworks: Express, Django, Rails, Laravel, Spring, etc.
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Aniket Ganguly
If you know only JavaScript then only Node JS is better option for back-end.
+ 5
Aniket Ganguly
Here you can get roadmap for JavaScript
+ 3
Unless you prefer other language for back end, Javascript and its libraries its satisfactory.
You just have to master Javascript, especially node.js
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Okay broo💗💗thank u very much for help .....
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This will help you:
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If u wants to became an backend developer
Then u must need a basic knwoldege of these - html,css,js
So that u can work easily on backend
Bcz backend is nothing without frontend
Languages for backend- java, python, javascript etc
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Okay but plzz tell me a backend roadmap in javascript ? Tell me
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You Should Learn Python For Backend It's Really Useful...
You Can Also Learn Node JS For It...
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You Can Use Javascript and/or PHP to Send POST Data to A Python Server!
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Can I learn node.js for backend??
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Yes, You Can Learn Node JS For Backend...
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Ooo okay broo thnx
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Some common backend languages are Ruby, PHP, Java, .Net, and Python. These programming languages often run on frameworks that simplify the web development process.
Majority of websites on the world wide web use PHP as the backend. The language will top any list of popular programming languages. The language is maintained by a very active open source community and can seamlessly work cross-platform across UNIX, Mac and Windows.
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Learn Node.js. it's a JavaScript framework design to run on a server (backend)
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Considering javascript for back end start by having a good grasp of modern javascript es6 including high order array methods and objects and classes before moving to learn NodeJS and expressJS :)
But I hate frontend
PHP Node.js SQL are backend not frontend
Then what's next node.js then express??
Aniket Ganguly
Every programming language is for back-end. You can choose anyone according to your interest.