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What is the answer on question 56 lesson 1 c#
I dont knoww
11 Respostas
+ 4
The array after revessing it will be
Then we will calculate the pow function to the number in the first index of our array which equal to 4
So the answer will be
Double x= Math.pow(4,2)
X = 4^2 = 16
The answer is 16
+ 2
Copy and paste your question here
+ 2
You're welcome Brando jr. Sanchez đ
+ 1
Please put your question and your attempt for solving it and in this case we can help you
+ 1
Why should anyone put any effort into helping you when you put no effort whatsoever into asking?
+ 1
Brando jr. Sanchez
Try to understand what each line is telling you.
1. int[] arr {8,5,4}; means an array called arr has been created with 3 items.
arr[0] = 8
arr[1] = 5
arr[2] = 4
2. Array.Reverse(arr); means the order of the items within arr has been reversed
arr[0] = 4
arr[1] = 5
arr[2] = 8
3. Double x = Math.Pow(arr[0],2); means that a variable of type Double has been created.
This variable is called x, and the value assigned to it is Math.Pow(arr[0],2)
We know that arr[0] = 4, so we could read:
x = Math.Pow(4,2);
Math.Pow() is exponentation, which is the same as saying 4 to the power of 2, or 4 squared or 4x4.
See if you can get the answer now
I see this is the third time you've posted your question. Each time people have made it clear what is required to get help.
You're clearly either unwilling or unable to learn
You will never be a programmer with this attitude. Come back in few years when you have at least a minimum of intellectual and personal maturiry.
Thank you
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What is the value of x after this code?
Int[] arr {8,5,4};
Double x = Math.Pow(arr[0],2);
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Please help me im a beginer