- 3
How do i find a tutor to teach me HTML and C+ when i am in lockdown and have no money cos im a young guy on disability pension?
HTML and C+ Coding teacher required
3 Respostas
+ 6
You're basically asking for someone to work for free. I don't see that happening. On the positive side there are tons of free resources available. And when you run into a (specific) problem there are people willing to help, both here and in other places.
+ 2
Can you get a tutor for free? Probably not
Can you get a free teaching online? Yes
For C++: www.learncpp.com
For HTML: https://www.w3schools.com/html/
PS: There's no such thing as C+. There's C programming and C++ programming. C is a low level, close-to-hardware programming language. C++ is the upgraded version of C, and an object oriented programming language. C is a little faster than C++, which itself is faster than most other languages