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Which languages should we learn to be a better in JavaScript?đ€
13 Respostas
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Why would learning a language other than Javascript improve your Javascript?
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JavaScript was the first programming language I picked up. Well, I actually started with HTML and CSS. Just like many other web developers, going with JavaScript was a no-brainer. This is simply because it blends so well with HTML and CSS, and actually enhances your HTML/CSS skills as well. I've developed applications and games in various other programming languages including Java, Swift, C++, Dart. But the flexibility which JavaScript provides is unmatchable - even though it could be considered bad for beginners as it gives way more options than required to do a simple task.
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Take a look into Typescript ;)
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Javascript is very flexible as I think so you can ask "what js frameworks should I learn?" instead of your question đ.
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You think JavaScript is very hard so you think I should go to another language and then come back to JavaScript that time I can learn JavaScript .
No man just start from scratch JavaScript is very easy I promise you when you finish JavaScript you should say who said JavaScript is hard .
JavaScript is an independence language it's not related to any other language.
So if you want to learn JavaScript
Go ahead
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Sameem Ansari jQuery is not a language, it is a Javascript library.
You need to practice to be better.
Also some people say that React library can help you become better js developer, React use lot of es6 syntax.
No I means that
We learn JavaScript and other languages jQuery, etc
I started learning programming language with C, which helped me to learn about the basics(variable, functions, loops, conditions).
After learning Java I learnt about the OOP (Object Oriented Principles).
You can directly go with JavaScript because variable declaration, functions, loops, conditions and OOP concepts are there.
After learning the basics of JavaScript you can learn JavaScrip frameworks like ReactJS and Angular.
There is nothing like prefering another language to know JavaScript. Everything depends on how you approach a language to learn.
Learn theory, while learning theory start applying it paractically. Thats all. Once you start coding you will learn more. Thats all...
I hope you got something.đ
When I was taking web classes in college (2004 - 2010), we learned JavaScript differently. It was used to make a page dynamic, and not static, and learning it was so much easier. This version of JavaScript with Sololearn makes it more like learning C, C+, etc! Is there a node for JavaScript which the user can change page colors, ask the user questions to include their name, etc?
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java. as it is a "prefix" of javascript. so according to lords, this hints us that it is a "prequisite" of javascript.
thank me later :>