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Object oriented programming
Can someone please help me understand OOP in java please I cannot understand it Its really hard.
3 Respostas
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Hi Miller Monteiro
Hope this is helpful for your concerns about Oop in java.
Also check this out:
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Java is an object oriented programming
Classes and objects
Class :
collection of methods and variables
collection of objects
class is a modification to structures in c/cpp
We cannot see class
Object :
Realtime entity
Realtime existance
We can see object
A class can have any no of objects
Object refers to only a class
Encapsulation : binding of data and methods is known as encapsulation
We can achieve encapsulation id there is a class
Abstraction : hidhing internal implementation of class and exhibit only functionality
Inheritance : creating a new class from existing class
Existing class is superclass
New class is subclass
A superclass can have more than once child
A child can have only one parent
Types of inheritance
Single : a class is inheriting only 1 class
Multiple : a class is inheriting from more than a class
Multilevel : a class named “x” is subclass to previous class and superclasd to upcoming class
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Hierarchical : a class is inherited by more than ond class
Hybrid : ckmbination of 2 of more inhetirances
Seeing the same thing in different way
Overloading : method name is same but there is a difference in
No of parameters
Types of parameter
Order of parameter
Overriding : subclass is not feeling well with the definition given by superclass
Subclass will give its ownnimplementation