+ 9
Report Squad - Anti Spammers
Please post the spam questions here and we will report it. It's beneficial because report squad doesn't need to find each spam in community it will save the time and the the no. of report will increase. So please save our beloved community from spammers. Good luck Help us please. Note:- Spam post are the threads which are other than a relavent question or a useful post or it can be a chat also but threads like blah.. blah..blah.. see examples below . please help me either than to make comments that I blah..
10 Respostas
+ 15
@Ekansh I'm not in the report squad anymore! as it is just waste now to report something...Let go!
+ 11
hey Mr. suman this is not a social network like Facebook so you can make the idiot theards I have seen your complete profile oh minute Mr. I am on my work I am here to learn and don't behave rudely see your age and mine(13years) and one important message also this not a place where you can talk about your girlfriend OK.
+ 10
It says questions not found because the question has been deleted because of reports
+ 8
@Ekansh when i tap on the links it shows question not found
+ 7
+ 5
What are your reporting criteria?
What are your reporting criteria based on?
Why shold anyone report to you (waste of time in my modest opinion) instead of just reporting to SL devs directly?
You should answer at least these basic questions before attempting your proposal...
better focus on ur own work
live chat on sololearn, you won't believe