+ 41

What is the difference between a coder, programmer, developer and software engineer?

Confusing terms

3rd Apr 2017, 8:00 AM
prosper - avatar
25 Respostas
+ 76
Coder = Does it for fun. Programmer = Writes code for a profit. Developer = Gets serious about problem solving. Engineer = Doesn't have a life.
5th Apr 2017, 4:00 AM
Pablo Hernandez
+ 42
As I see it: Coder- Someone who programs because they feel like it. Programmer- Someone who takes pride in the programs they create, but are still a code, just that they may have released a project before. Developer- Again very similar to the last two, but is actively working in a company or small corporation, developing, software or games or etc. Software Engineer- The same as Developer, but on a higher scale. They get paid more, usually older, they're doing work for a private company, and so on.
4th Apr 2017, 12:44 PM
SoraKatadzuma - avatar
+ 22
Coder = Programmer = Developer; These are generic words. Software Engineer - A software engineer is a person who applies the principles of software engineering to the design, development, maintenance, testing, and evaluation of the software and systems that make computers or anything containing software work. (Wikipedia)
3rd Apr 2017, 8:17 AM
Maz - avatar
+ 18
These words might all mean the same thing to you. The differences may be that how deep you want to go on your coding adventure. Coders - Can pretty much figure out it. It'll work, but it won't be pretty.A best coder only writes code without errors. Programmer - Write code and understand algorithms. Often work alone and well. Developer - Are the best generalists, can use lots of different systems and languages and get them to talk to each other. Are true and broad professionals, work with people, and communicate well. Software Engineer - Designs and Make new Software and contribute in their engineering like Engineers of Microsoft Office.
4th Apr 2017, 2:13 AM
+ 14
A coder is someone who can use one or more programming languages. A programmer is someone who solves problems, develops algorithms, codes them and finally creates a program which solves the problem. A developer is someone who works on a platform that already exists, he adds some new stuffs to it to make it better. A software Engineer is someone who uses the system development methodology in designing and maintaining a software
5th Apr 2017, 5:33 PM
Maduekwe Ebuka Collins
Maduekwe Ebuka Collins - avatar
+ 11
IMHO: Coders are people who can write code for dedicated parts of the whole app or system being developed. Coders are not necessarily newbies, they just do not need to care about global problems or things like project management and software architecture, but they offcourse need to know about good practices, design principles like SOLID, loosely coupling and so on. Developers are the people who have knowledge and experience not only in programming but in many technologies too, so they can make right decision which technologies or frameworks best fit every case. They can develop, manage whole projects or logical parts like layers, tiers, backend or frontend. Sofware engineers are the experts who make system analysis of large scale or enterprise level applications. They produce specifications, requirements and diagrams, suggest right architecture to support systems scalability, maintainability and extensibility. To be a good software engineer or an architect a huge experience and rich background as a programmer are needed. All of them can be called programmers. So I think programmer is just a general word. Again, it is just IMHO
9th Apr 2017, 3:00 AM
Aibek T.
Aibek T. - avatar
+ 7
They're very similar, but I think Coder = making software for fun Developer = tweaking software and testing it Programmer = making software as a career Software engineer = creating solutions for businesses or creating entire product lines that's my thinking.
6th Apr 2017, 10:53 PM
Jeremie - avatar
+ 5
Software engineer is someone who make sure that the principles of good software engineering are applied during during software development process, software engineering is just a fancy term of saying the rules of good software development are followed.
3rd Apr 2017, 3:48 PM
Khaukanani Lawrence
Khaukanani Lawrence - avatar
+ 5
Coder - passion .. uses many languages Programmer - passion.. specific language developer - learn to browse and copy paste the code Software engineer - Expert in web browsing and finding answers, code snippets.. but slowly forget programming and concepts
8th Apr 2017, 7:26 AM
Saravanakumar Vaidyanathan
Saravanakumar Vaidyanathan - avatar
+ 5
This is not simple firsthand to know, but here is my view on this: Coder > Codes for: Fun, To Learn To Programme, Specific Goal or Business, To Achieve Something, For A Challenge / Something To Do / Aim To Get A Job or Improve Life Experience / Social & Technical Skills... This goes on for a while... Programmer > Same as above but more aimed towards backend programming related to software and web languages such as Java, C++, C and PHP, Node.js. Developer > Professional in the field with Frontend/Backend Experience in Web Development if a Full Stack (can be only 1 of these) or aiming to be/or business owner, same as coder and possibly a combination of Programmer and Software Engineer. Software Engineer > All Purpose Web, Software or Both Coder, Programmer & Developer + Full Branch or Specialized Branch of a range of skills or very high level, can also be a generalist at a not so high level in some cases, but also mid - high level.
19th Apr 2017, 1:35 AM
Daniel William Rutter
Daniel William Rutter - avatar
+ 4
A coder only writes code that work for only one case. A programmer knows that exist design patterns, and uses it. A developer use methodologies, and best practices. A software engineer understand the whole problem and knows the best language, tools, and architecture for a good system.
10th Apr 2017, 12:43 AM
⏩▶Clau◀⏪ - avatar
+ 3
Programmer may not be the person who is writing the actual code. For example he may be concerned Only with the flow chart and other aids required to build a good program. However the coder is the person actually responsible for the code of the program. The typewriter guy.
8th Apr 2017, 4:17 PM
+ 3
A coder types code and is good with libraries and such to make the program efficient in its specifics but doesnt need a strong grasp of the scope or magnitude of the program. Had in depth understanding of at least one language if not more. A programmer designs the program and doesnt need a strong grasp of coding but is good with interfaces, algorithms, flow charts and such. Has a general knowledge of many languages. A developer brings the program to life. Cuts bloating, strengthens whats needed, adds and removes concepts. An engineer can combine different languages in one program for maximum utilization, understands os structures and layers, and hardware interfacing. Comes up with completely new concepts if non already fit. This answer is designed to bring the "feel" of what they do, rather than the job description itself.
9th Apr 2017, 7:24 AM
Brad Bick
Brad Bick - avatar
+ 3
Coder is the basically a person who has knowledge of only one language and he is a beginner in the software world programmer is the one having knowledge of few languages and he knows much more than a coder developer is the one who can develop the whole stuff like webpage or an app and many more. developer can have a group of programmers in his team. and finally software engineer is the most expert level (in simple terms )
19th Apr 2017, 5:26 AM
Tanmay Shimpi
Tanmay Shimpi - avatar
+ 2
well school level college level national level international level I think so ??
5th Apr 2017, 1:30 PM
Arsh Verma
Arsh Verma - avatar
+ 1
3rd Apr 2017, 2:46 PM
Lavish Mehta
Lavish Mehta - avatar
+ 1
I think coder and programmer are same thing... programmer is the person who writing programms.. developer is the person who develop software or programs mean that he/she have more experience than the programmer.. software engineer is the person who can write software although has ability for analyzing and developing ..and he also has ability of testing softwares..he/she also make software which has quality attributes. .and he/she use software models and methodologies. .also has ability of documentation. .
8th Apr 2017, 12:42 PM
Nusyba A.Allatief A.Alazeez Mohammed
Nusyba A.Allatief A.Alazeez Mohammed - avatar
+ 1
* Programmer - is someone, who has an atteinment in main aspects of computers languages and skills of creation effective code. * Coder - is someone, who has a programmer skills and prefers work in free directions. * Developer - is someone, who has a programmer skills and prefers work in hire directions. * Software engineer - is someone, who has a high education as a programmer and may work in new directions as constructor.
8th Apr 2017, 9:17 PM
Andrew Savelkaev
Andrew Savelkaev - avatar
+ 1
They're all the same
9th Apr 2017, 12:00 PM
Ned Alturas
Ned Alturas - avatar
Coder can be a programmer and as well a developer
8th Apr 2017, 5:22 PM
David Onyenobi
David Onyenobi - avatar