Downloader project in Golang
I am attempting to solve the Downloader project in Golang. There 3 files that we have to use Concurrency in order to get the sum of all three files. The files are represented by variables s1, s2, and s3 and channels ch1, ch2, and ch3 have been created to pass the files through using a downloader function. The error I receive is for lines 24, 25, and 26 whicj correspond to the following: go download(s1, ch1) go download(s2, ch2) go download(s3, ch3) The error says that undefined: downloader for all 3 lines. What does this mean and how do I go about fixing or defining the downloaders? The downloader function I have goes like this: func downloader(s int, c chan int){ sum:=0 for i:=0;i<=s(the variable);i++{ sum += i } c<-sum } At the end in the main(), to sum up the three files through the 3 channels I wrote: fmt.Println(<-ch1 + <-ch2 <-ch3). Yeah, not sure if this makes sense, but if someone can give me so.e i sight into the error of my ways, I qould be teuly grateful. Thx