16 Respostas
+ 17
I thought you are asking if we can create sight with PYTHON.
Python is used as server side programming language to make websites. And any programming language with network capabilities can be used as server side programming language.
The website which we see and interact with is written in HTML, CSS (For designing) and JavaScript (To add additional functionally websites which HTML doesn't provide). you can't create a website without HTML.
Python is used where you need to send data to the server for processing or saving.
For example if you wants to upload a document on the server then you will select the document to be uploaded. This is achieved by HTML. When you send the document then PYTHON can save the document on the server, edit it or send back it to you. It is responsibility of Server side programming language to handle any kind of request from the client (Browser).
If you doesn't completely understand what I'm saying then don't focus on this too much. You will understand after learning web development
+ 8
Hi! I think you could develop a website using Django. It is an high-level Python web framework.
Check it out on https://www.djangoproject.com
Hope this is usefull
+ 7
Thanks for your useful answers
+ 5
can use flask, SQLite for it
+ 4
You should try out Django. Its has a pretty good framwork
+ 3
Don't start with Django. Django is a relatively intense web framework. Start with Flask... it'll be a lot easier to wrap your arms around. In either case, you will need to use HTML at the very least in addition to Python.
+ 2
Thats where Django framework of python come to rescue you😎
+ 2
Yes,you can create a website by python.But it is difficult.First you need the good knowledge in python.Then you can create a website with python.
+ 2
Yes you can create a website with python but it's not easy at all
+ 2
It is not possible to create a website using only python, you would need a web framework, like Django or Flask.
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