+ 5
I know we all have experienced this moment.
Have you ever stared on your pc and there is this feeling like "Damn You!!am gonna crush you this moment and forget you ever existed!".I have experienced such a couple of times but yesterday was worse spending about half an hour only to realize i didn't close a while loop. Sometimes a small stupid mistake takes you centuries to fix. it feels so annoying especially if u planned to code for may be 45 mins and move to some other work only to find you spent almost 2hrs.
10 Respostas
+ 8
I once made an Android app which had 1000+ lines of code. I kept getting runtime error. It took me 4 hours to write those 1000 lines but 6 hours to figure out that I wrote "EditText" where I should have written "TextView". No editor shows such errors!
+ 15
Try a getting a runtime error with hundreds of pointers in your program. Dank stuff.
+ 9
you are right,
it is very useful and notepad++ also provides interface for all PLs.
I think it was made by C or C++ because it is named as increment operation. 😉
we know, infinite loop is the nightmare for every programmer.
+ 5
All agree with Luka. You better check another text editor before you break your computer.
+ 4
*Looks at 2000 line file*
Me: Hmmm no errors but this isn't working right...
*Proceeds to go through the code line-by-line to figure out why it isn't working*
Every day man xD
+ 4
You should try using Sublime text instead of Notepad++
+ 3
yeah it has happened to me few times, it really makes me mad. A single semicolon or comma can waste a large amount of time.
+ 3
Ye its awful. I've been working on a large scale unity project to help learn c#, and for 2 days the game would just crash. Turned out to be because i returned a function itself in a get method instead of returning the instance variable (derp). Infinite recursion pain x100.
+ 2
I normally use Notepad++(Mainly i code html+css+javascript) this is where am an expert at. For C i normally use codeblocks. Yesterday i was using a texteditor (notepad++) to code java. By the way am a newbie in Java av only done it for like a month. I understand IDE's such as eclipse and netbeans are the way to go but i want to use them after fully familiriazation with its full syntax and the oop concepts that's why am sticking to a text editor. But in C a stupid mistake let's say in line 3 can result in underlined error in line 30.Then after fixing that another 100+ errors pop-up and then am left wondering wtf especially if its a very small stupid mistake