How can I use constructor and copy constructor and destructor for this program?
Class line { Public: Int getlength (void); Line(int len); Line(const line &obj); ~line(); Private: Int *ptr; }; Line::line(int len) { Cout<<"normal constructor allocating ptr"<<endl; .........................? } Line::line(const line &obj) { Cout<< "copy constructor allocating ptr"<<endl; ........................? } Line::~line(void) { Cout<<"freeing memory"<<endl; ........................? } ........? Are the parts that I don't know what should I put there
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+ 1
//you have it already but just trying to complete code
//read the comments to understand and about changes
using namespace std;
class line
int getlength (void);
line(int len);
line(const line &obj);
int *ptr;
//default constructor
ptr=new int; //setting 0
cout<<"normal constructor allocating ptr"<<endl;
line::line(int len)
ptr=new int(len); //setting value len
cout<<"normal constructor allocating ptr"<<endl;
//length function
int line::getlength(void)
return *ptr;
//copy constructor
line::line(const line &obj)
cout<< "copy constructor allocating ptr"<<endl;
line::~line(void) //distructor
cout<<"freeing memory"<<endl;
//main method
int main() {
line l1; //calling default constructor
line l2(55); //parameter constructor
cout<< l1.getlength() << endl; //output 0
cout<< l2.getlength() << endl; //output 55
//destructor called automatically now for both l1, l2 objects.