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How to see css html and js tabs to finish coding problem

I’m very new. I wrote out an answer for the speed of sound question in JS beginners section and can’t find where to code html and css to be able to pass the run code. See example link https://www.sololearn.com/Discuss/2567703/the-speed-of-sound-in-air-is-343-meters-per-second-create-a-program-that-takes-the-seconds-as-input the second post shows all three tabs of of css html and js..I do not see that for mine when writing an answer.

5th Feb 2022, 7:17 PM
Myles DeBoer
2 Respostas
This challange is lection 7.4 js you can navigate to course, find this challange and "buy it with bits" than solve. You need to read all lections before that to be able to solve these challange. There you will see only js part becouse this is what is needed to solve challange , you dont need to use html or css. But if you wanna practice some codes you can navigate to "code" click "new code" select "web" and you are in html,css and js playground. You can save this code, make it public, share with friends (dont use Q&A for advertising)
9th Feb 2022, 1:03 AM
PanicS - avatar
To check your codes you can again navigate to "code" than in top left corver click "hot today" switch to "my code bits" and select your code
9th Feb 2022, 1:23 AM
PanicS - avatar