Problem with recursive function (Python 3)

Hello everyone, I'm trying to develop a function that given a list of numbers returns the weighted mean value w that for a_1, ..., a_n is defined as: file:///var/folders/x1/6w7fprl12kn4v41jsgjcm0380000gn/T/TemporaryItems/NSIRD_screencaptureui_y4d7Fs/Schermata%202022-02-08%20alle%2011.32.18.png to do it with a for loop would be very easy, but they asked me to do it with recursive function (a function that calls itself). I've been trying for quite long but I keep finding errors. Could anyone give me a suggestion about how to solve this problem? Thank you very very much!

8th Feb 2022, 10:34 AM
1 Resposta
Hi Alessandro, We can't view an image link like that path you have attached. It's a link to local file only accessible from your device alone. You need to upload that image to a cloud storage of your preference and share the link to the uploaded image instead in order for the people to see.
8th Feb 2022, 11:22 AM