write. c program that uses scanf function to read a float valriable into the variable called discount_rate
Some 1 help me with the answer of that question
8 Respostas
+ 3
Izo Kaeyz You have program skeleton already. Others also gave you hints.
1. Try to define variable: float discount_rate;
2. Then use scanf() function to read user input into variable: scanf("%f, & discount_rate);
3. Then try to print variable with printf() function
Come on, try it and show what you did. Don't be afraid of mistakes, writing code is fun 😉
+ 1
Public want to see your code.😤😤
+ 1
use format specifier of floats and ampersand with scanf function.
Am In Programing C....
#include <studio.h>
int main() {
It starts like that
I don't have a code that's y am asking for ur help mahn