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Which should I learn? Angular Js or react Js or both.
Hi, I wanted to become a web developer. I learn HTML CSS and JavaScript. Now, I want to know which should I learn. Angular or react or both. If both then which should I learn first.
3 Respostas
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Both, but choice of what first to learn is up to you.
-- React have simple syntax it is based on javascript (ES6) and mostly JSX (similar as html, with little diference).
It is smaller framework, where additional things as router need to be installed when needed, and are not maintained by react developers, at least not every what you will use in some advanced projects
-- Angular use lot of attributes inside html to make angular app, as i sow lot of courses use typescript to write angular app, not sure are typescript only thing you can use.
Angular is bigger framework and have already incuded things like router... But not all projects need all of them.
About job offers, it is neer the same, company choose one of them and sign people who know this framework, sometimes they use more framework then one, if company is big enought to have multipy teams.
Best is to learn both, and to practice a lot before move to another framework.
The more you know, the better for you.
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Both. Begin with Angular. It will feel more familiar with what you already know.
Both of them are very popular. Even if you stay at angular, that's fine.
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Thanks 😊💕