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How to multiply 5 and 6 to 57.3?
Pls tell
12 Respostas
+ 2
Please tag the relevant programming language. In most programming languages, multiplication is done with *
+ 2
You need to specify which Python course and what exactly the task is. Please show your code, so we can help you to fix it.
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+ 1
1.) Add 5 and 6. "Add" means +
2.) Multiply the result of that by 57.3. "Multiply" means *
3.) Output the result
+ 1
G'day 💫𝘙𝘢𝘺𝘺𝘢𝘯💫 have you discovered that you can edit your Q&A posts? Instead of sending silly response messages, you could edit the original post to have the best tags.
Instead of drip feeding us tiny bits of information, you could search for & read some of the [Solved] questions & see what got the best help.
Instead of waiting for hearts/bits, you can use your code bit to debug your own code. Add a print to see what is happening, change something, see what changed. Eg your print statement could have 3 numbers instead of 2, maybe
print (5* (6+ 57.3) )
#use parentheses to adjust order of operations.
See what happens? {Edit: I know that isn't the correct answer, it is there to inspire you!!!}
Please describe the task. What is the goal of the code?
The goal is… wait let me check
The goal is Write a program that will multiply the sum of 5 and 6 by 57.3 and output the result.
ill try later all my hearts are gone
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I need answerr